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Helping you connect

We warmly welcome health and medical professionals, students, scleroderma researchers, and representatives of companies that serve people with scleroderma, as participants in our Scleroderma Manitoba community.

There are many benefits to becoming a corporate or professional member of Scleroderma Manitoba:

Keep current on Scleroderma Manitoba educational events, which feature presentations and meetings with physicians and other scleroderma specialists.

For a summary and video link of the Scleroderma Manitoba Education Event and AGM, held on October 15th, 2022, please click here.

Connect with patients through support groups and other initiatives. For more information on support groups, click here.

Receive The Bulletin, our semi-annual publication. For more information, click here.

Share your knowledge and expertise by contributing articles to The Bulletin, or by presenting at one of our educational events.

Ask about advertising or sponsorship opportunities for your organization. Contact or call 204 510-2855 for more information.

Participate in research. Each year Scleroderma Manitoba raises funds to sponsor scleroderma research projects.

Our annual call for research proposals considers projects from across Canada with priority given to projects that take place in Manitoba. Available funds are limited to a percentage of funds raised annually.

For further information, or to apply for membership, please email, or call 204 510-2855.

Support Us

Support the local scleroderma community by making a donation. Funds raised by Scleroderma Manitoba are directed toward research, education and patient support.

Connect with Us

Scleroderma Manitoba can also be found on Facebook and Twitter where we post updates about upcoming events and information about living with scleroderma.

Contact us by email at

Thank you for your support of the scleroderma community in Manitoba!