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Support in your community

Next Support Group meeting

Saturday, February 15th, 2025
10:30 a.m.

Topic: Sharing and Learning Together

What would you like to know or share about your own situation? We are all on a different journey but some of us share the same concerns.

What professionals would you like to hear from? You are not alone, and we know there are people in our group who have found solutions to living with challenges with our disease. This is our chance to share them.

This will be a Zoom meeting.
Register here.

Future meetings

May 10th, 2025 [In person]
Time: 11 a.m.
Location and registration: TBA

Please mark the date!

We are very happy to welcome back Dr. Ada Man. She will review the Scleroderma basics for those newly diagnosed plus be available to answer your other Scleroderma questions.

November 22nd, 2025 [Zoom]

Note: We will have our AGM and Education Event in early fall.

About the Support Group

A diagnosis of scleroderma is scary. That’s why it’s so very important to learn as much as you can and connect with others who understand what you are going through.

Scleroderma Manitoba hosts support groups and educational events for scleroderma patients and their families and supporters.

Whether newly diagnosed, or have been living with scleroderma for some time, it is extremely helpful to get to know others who are living with the disease, ask questions, share concerns, ideas, learn some tips, and support each other.

If there is a topic you are interested in, please contact Debbie via email at or by phone or text at 204 396-2336.

How to attend a meeting

We have been meeting on Zoom since the beginning of Covid, but we had our first in-person meeting in April.

We hope to have in-person meetings in the warmer months, when it is easier for people to travel.

Other meetings will be on Zoom, where you can join by computer or over the phone using the link or number sent to you when you register.

For more information, please email, or call 204 510-2855.

Missed a past support group meeting? You’re in luck…

Manitoba Region Representative

Debbie Robitaille
Call or text: 204 396-2336