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We are always in need of volunteers

Scleroderma Manitoba is fortunate to rely on the dedication of many volunteers. According to their preferences, competence and interests, our volunteers contribute actively in many sectors of activity.

Volunteer involvement is essential to the success of our mission.

Since our self-help/peer support, outreach/awareness-raising, information and fundraising initiatives take place throughout the year, we can offer volunteers both short- and long-term opportunities.

We encourage you to become a volunteer with Scleroderma Manitoba, thus contributing to enriching the lives of people with scleroderma and their families.

From region to region, many volunteer opportunities are available throughout the year to meet a variety of needs and interests. Here are a few examples:

Help in awareness initiatives

Get involved in a support group in your area

Write columns and feature stories for Scleroderma Manitoba for The BULLETIN

Set up information booths during conferences and special events

Assist in organizing benefit activities and fundraising drives

Interested in becoming a volunteer?

Want to know more? We will work with you to find an activity in your area that matches your interest and time availability.

Contact us by phone at 204 510-2855 or by email at