Another way to give.
Provision for a planned gift may be made as a bequest in your will or as part of your overall financial planning. Your gift will help Scleroderma Manitoba invest in research and better support people living with the disease.
Whether by will, life insurance policy or securities, you may receive important tax benefits in exchange for your planned gifts, while enjoying the satisfaction of supporting a cause in which you believe.
There are many types of planned gifts to choose from:
- bequests
- life insurance
- securities
- charitable gift annuities.
If you are considering this option and wish to have more information, please contact We would be happy to provide you with all the help and advice you need and offer our full co-operation, with complete confidentiality.
Do you own any shares, mutual funds, bonds and/or any other securities that you would like to donate to Scleroderma Manitoba?
- You will benefit from a tax deduction for the full amount of your charitable gift.
- In addition, you will not need to pay capital gains taxes on appreciated securities.
- As a result, you will be able to make a more significant gift at a similar cost.
A gift of securities allows you to pay no tax on the taxable portion of your capital gains. In order to benefit from this tax credit, the securities must be transferred directly to Scleroderma Manitoba rather than being sold. It’s a tax advantage that will benefit you.
A receipt for tax purposes will be issued, corresponding to 100% of the fair market value of the securities on the day they are transferred to the account of Scleroderma Manitoba.
Scleroderma Manitoba’s policy is to sell donated securities as soon as possible after receipt.
If you are considering this option and wish to have more information, please contact We would be happy to provide you with all the help and advice you need and offer our full co-operation, with complete confidentiality.